Take a Class

Get Fit, Have Fun!

Regular participation in a Jacki Sorensen’s Fitness Class will reduce stress, lower blood pressure, give you more energy, burn fat, improve your self image and esteem, tone and strengthen your muscles, get a firm lean body and increase cardiovascular fitness! Start your healthy lifestyle and join a Jacki’s Class today! Bring a friend and share the FUN!

Find a class near you here

For classes in Australia go to AerobicDancing.com.au

For classes in Japan go to Nihon-AerobicDancing.com

From the Fitness Floor

“I fell in love with aerobic dancing at a demo in a shopping mall. I immediately signed up for classes. Everything about the class was FUN, which I just loved. Jacki’s choreography and each class made us feel like we were The Rockettes dancing on a New York stage. I danced everywhere when traveling with my husband for his business, there was a Jacki’s class all over the country. When I became an Instructor I was taught how to be confident in front of a class of students, how to run a class, break down routines, teach challenging steps, answer questions, be a professional aerobic dance instructor, be part of a larger group, and to work together during fundraisers and demonstrations. I was given opportunities to do things I had never known existed. Thank you so much Jacki.”

— Anne Noyes, Instructor
Old Orchard Beach, Maine